Cyber Spirit

Son of Waves Studios

Dylan Tauber has been on the cutting edge of the cyber spiritual revolution since 1994, when he built a massive state of the art electronic music and digital photography studio in his Columbia University dorm room.

Dylan published one of the only artist websites still online since 1996,, revolving around his Double Mirror Theory which explains how the source of human spirituality is the parallel mirrors in our minds.

A pioneer of the indie electronic movement, Dylan was also one of the first artists to offer his music for free MP3 download in 1998.

The Double Mirrors Project continues over 27 years later with Dylan’s 19 electronic music albums, and a network of 27 websites showcasing his transcendental electronic music, cyber art, and ebooks available for free download.

In 2018, Dylan published “Son of Waves”, a screenplay / short story for free PDF download, about a digital messiah, and a mass awakening of humanity to the true nature of our existence, by an internet which can recognize love and the human soul.

Be sure to download the "Son of Waves" free ebook download by Dylan Tauber.

Read Dylan’s earliest writing about the Cyber-Spirt in 1997, and his early online Journal.

All images and videos created by Dylan Tauber with an AI tool.

See more short videos of the cyber spirit by

Cyber Spirit

Page last modified on: January 17 2025 16:17:10.

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